Civil forfeiture occurs when the government (District Attorneys, Customs, Police) seize citizen's property or money citing that this property or money is proceeds of some unlawful activity.
Our clients usually encounter this problem when they attempt to bring cash from one place to another, and they get pulled over while driving.
Another context where we see this often is when clients fail to declare cash when coming to the U.S. When undeclared cash is found, it is usually immediately seized.
In both scenarios, the way to deal with the problem is to have a strong lawyer to make a case that there is no connection whatsoever between the cash and any crime. Usually that requires bringing some evidence that the money is legitimate - proof of income, confirmation from friends or relatives who wanted to avoid high banking fees, etc. Attorneys at our law firm have successfully handled numerous civil forfeiture cases, and will be happy to help you return your money.
Fill out your contact information and we will call you back within one business day.
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